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Vertellis Nederland

What makes this game unique?

We all have moments when we pause and ask ourselves: Who am I, really? What are my strengths? What makes me unique? It might be after a big achievement, a challenging project, feedback from a colleague, or simply a desire to understand yourself on a deeper level.

The real question is:
What are my unique qualities, and how can I use them to create a more meaningful life?

Self-awareness is the foundation of an authentic and fulfilling life. It’s not just about what you can do, but about who you are.

This game is designed to help you uncover, embrace, and harness your unique strengths. Are you ready to dive in?

Vertellis Nederland
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De Vertellis filosofie

Wij, Bart, Lars en een groepje enthousastelingen ontwerpen producten die inspireren en aanzetten tot reflectie en intentie.

Ons doel is jou te ondersteunen in het bouwen van een diepere verbinding met jezelf en anderen, zodat je een gelukkiger en meer vervuld leven kunt leiden.

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